Portugal has best quality of life for expats

Portugal has been elected as the fifth best country to work and live in for expats, climbing 23 places in the ranking of 65 countries.

Portugal topped the list in the Quality of Life Index, while it was placed fourth in terms of the Ease of Settling In.
Researchers found that 93 percent of expats in Portugal are satisfied with their life here, with 29 percent saying they are very happy in this respect.
Personal happiness had dropped last year, but showed significant improvements in 2017, seeing Portugal climb to third overall.
The improving political stability in Portugal also saw the country climb the rankings, while 95 percent rate personal safety positively.
Portugal is also number one when it comes to friendliness and feeling welcome.
In addition, 89 percent find it easy to get used to the local culture in Portugal compared with just 74 percent in 2016. The general friendliness of the population (92 percent) and the welcoming attitude towards foreign residents (94 percent) are the other factors which have significantly improved.
The small Arab monarchy Bahrain is the surprise winner of this year’s Expat Insider survey, followed by Latin American countries Mexico and Costa Rica.
At the other end of the ranking, Greece, Kuwait, and Nigeria are least popular among those living abroad. Issues range from insufficient incomes to a poor quality of life to problems with personal safety, as the Expat Insider 2017 survey reveals.
With nearly 13,000 respondents living and working abroad, it is deemed one of the most extensive expat studies, conducted yearly by InterNations, the largest expat community worldwide.
Apart from offering an in-depth analysis of life abroad, the survey ranks 65 countries by a variety of factors such as quality of life, working abroad, and settling in.
According to the survey, this year’s top 10 destinations for expats are Bahrain, Costa Rica, Mexico, Taiwan, Portugal, New Zealand, Malta, Colombia, Singapore, and Spain.
The Czech Republic is the new best destination for working abroad, largely due to improved satisfaction with job security. Additionally, the Netherlands has jumped from 20th to 6th position, gaining considerably in terms of work-life balance.
Greece, Kuwait, and Nigeria remain the worst expat destinations due to a lack of career prospects, personal dissatisfaction, and worries about safety and security.