Spain reaps large benefits from legal and illegal immigration

Immigration has played a major role in boosting Spain’s growing economy. However, the country still faces problems with illegal immigration along its southern border.

According to a study by Caixa Catalunya, one the country’s largest banks, the economy of Spain has grown at a rate of 2.6 percent a year over the period between 1995 and 2005.

According to the study, without the contribution of immigration, the gross domestic product (GDP) of the nation would have fallen by 0.6 percent over the same period.

The contribution of immigrants to the European Union economy as a whole has averaged 2% a year.

Spain had the highest rate of immigration between 1995-2005 for the whole of the European Union. During that decade, immigrants in Spain grew by 8.4%, compared to the average of 3.7% for the rest of the EU. 78 percent of its demographic growth was due to immigration.

A large portion of immigration to Spain is illegal. Many people make the dangerous trip to Spain by boat from Africa through the Canary Islands. The country has asked for help in patrolling its borders, and the EU has been in talks with African nations about setting up legal routes for temporary employment within the 27-member bloc.

During the past decade, Spain has become something of an open-door laboratory for immigration. The country has absorbed more than 3 million foreigners from places as diverse as Romania, Morocco, and South America.

More than 11% of the country’s 44 million residents are now foreign-born, one of the highest proportions in Europe. With hundreds of thousands more arriving each year, Spain could soon match the 12.9% immigration rate seen in the United States.

The result is that Spain is the best-performing major economy of Europe. Growth averaged 3.1% over the past five years. The country has created half the new jobs in the euro zone since 2002.

Unemployment plummeted from more than 20% in the 1990s to 8.6% recently and is trending even further downward. The euro zone average is currently at 7.2%. Germany, for comparison, has only recently begun to lower its unemployment rate under 10%.

The Spanish government is attributing more than half this exemplary performance to immigration. “We are very thankful for all these people who have come here to work with us,” says Javier Vallés, economic policy chief for Prime Minister José Luis Zapatero.

Could Spain be a model for invigorating aging, slow-growth societies in Western Europe and elsewhere? Many economic analysts say yes.

“If you make your labor market more open and flexible, in a world where populations are more mobile and economies are globalizing, you attract people who want to work,” says Eric Chaney, chief economist for Europe at Morgan Stanley in London.

Portugal has best quality of life for expats

Portugal has been elected as the fifth best country to work and live in for expats, climbing 23 places in the ranking of 65 countries.

Portugal topped the list in the Quality of Life Index, while it was placed fourth in terms of the Ease of Settling In.
Researchers found that 93 percent of expats in Portugal are satisfied with their life here, with 29 percent saying they are very happy in this respect.
Personal happiness had dropped last year, but showed significant improvements in 2017, seeing Portugal climb to third overall.
The improving political stability in Portugal also saw the country climb the rankings, while 95 percent rate personal safety positively.
Portugal is also number one when it comes to friendliness and feeling welcome.
In addition, 89 percent find it easy to get used to the local culture in Portugal compared with just 74 percent in 2016. The general friendliness of the population (92 percent) and the welcoming attitude towards foreign residents (94 percent) are the other factors which have significantly improved.
The small Arab monarchy Bahrain is the surprise winner of this year’s Expat Insider survey, followed by Latin American countries Mexico and Costa Rica.
At the other end of the ranking, Greece, Kuwait, and Nigeria are least popular among those living abroad. Issues range from insufficient incomes to a poor quality of life to problems with personal safety, as the Expat Insider 2017 survey reveals.
With nearly 13,000 respondents living and working abroad, it is deemed one of the most extensive expat studies, conducted yearly by InterNations, the largest expat community worldwide.
Apart from offering an in-depth analysis of life abroad, the survey ranks 65 countries by a variety of factors such as quality of life, working abroad, and settling in.
According to the survey, this year’s top 10 destinations for expats are Bahrain, Costa Rica, Mexico, Taiwan, Portugal, New Zealand, Malta, Colombia, Singapore, and Spain.
The Czech Republic is the new best destination for working abroad, largely due to improved satisfaction with job security. Additionally, the Netherlands has jumped from 20th to 6th position, gaining considerably in terms of work-life balance.
Greece, Kuwait, and Nigeria remain the worst expat destinations due to a lack of career prospects, personal dissatisfaction, and worries about safety and security.

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Boris Johnson Plans to Abolish Visa Caps ..

Boris Johnson plans to abolish visa caps for world’s most skilled scientists and engineers.
PM’s move marks departure from Theresa May’s numbers driven approach to non-EU immigration.

Boris Johnson is to introduce fast-track visas for the world’s top scientists, engineers and mathematicians as he announces a relaxation of his predecessor’s immigration controls.

In a departure from Theresa May’s numbers driven approach to non-EU migration, the new prime minister plans to abolish caps for individuals considered exceptionally talented in their field.

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