uk business visa

Get UK Business Visa & Passport

Val Morgan Immigration Advisers is one the most renowned Law Firms in the Middle East region for UK Immigration.

We recently received the first UK Innovator visa in the Middle East & South East Asia and from a global perspective our law firm received the 5th UK innovator visa globally.

If you would like UK Passport & Nationality for you & your family, with our celebrated expertise we can help you migrate to the UK in 90 days.

Enjoy benefits of UK Passport & Nationality:


If you would like learn more about UK Immigration please fill out information about your profile so we can understand your profile better.

uk business visa

Open a Branch Office in the UK

If you have an overseas business and would like to have a UK presence which allows you and your family to get UK residency and British Citizenship, get in touch now for a free consultation.

Val Morgan Immigration Advisers is one the most renowned Law Firms in the Middle East region for UK Immigration.

We recently received the first UK Innovator visa in the Middle East & South East Asia and from a global perspective our law firm received the 5th UK innovator visa globally.

If you would like UK Passport & Nationality for you & your family, with our celebrated expertise we can help you migrate to the UK in 90 days.

Enjoy benefits of UK Passport & Nationality:


If you would like learn more about UK Immigration please fill out information or just simply reply to this email with your contact information so we can understand your profile better.

best immigration lawyers in uae


Val Morgan Immigration Advisers has been included in the UAE Top 7 Immigration Consultants according to Gulf News.

We attribute this achievement down to our pioneering work within the UK Immigration sector regionally.

Val Morgan Immigration Advisers are a leading UK Law Firm with offices in London and Dubai who specialize in UK Immigration through business set for business owners, professionals & investors.

To learn more about Val Morgan Immigration Advisers from Gulf News, please click the link:


Secure your family’s future with the right immigration support:

overseas business representative visa uk

Apply for British Passport | Immigration Approval in 90 days

The UK remains a top destination for those looking to secure their families future with a stable & prestigious nationality that will benefit your family and your business.

Depending on your profile we can customize a solution for your current circumstances, here are some of the most common UK visa categories:

Overseas Business Representative visa – Suitable for business people who have an existing business and would like to open a branch office in the UK.

Startup Visa – Suitable for professionals who do not have a business or business experience and would like to start a new business in the UK.

Innovator Visa – Suitable for professionals who have their own business or are part of the senior management team of a company and would like to now start a new business in the UK

All categories leading to UK Passport & Nationality have many benefits including:


Val Morgan Immigration Advisers are a leading UK Law Firm with offices in London and Dubai who specialise in UK Immigration through business set for business owners, professionals & investors.

With our celebrated expertise we can help you migrate to the UK in 90 days.

If you would like to learn more about UK Immigration please fill out your contact information using the button below and arrange a Free Consultation with UK qualified Lawyers & Barristers.

innovator visa

UK Business Immigration Visa | Get Professional Legal Advice

Val Morgan Immigration Advisers has been included in the UAE Top 7 Immigration Consultants according to Gulf News.
Click Here to Learn More


On March 07th, 2019 the UK Home Office announced the exciting launch of UK Innovator Visa route for non-European migrants who are willing to stay in the United Kingdom and invest through setting up of a business.

The UK Innovator visa category is for experienced business people seeking to establish a business in the UK.

•    Successful Innovators are granted residency for 3 years and can also bring their family members (spouses/partners and children under 18) to the UK.

•    After 3 years, innovators can apply for permanent settlement/ UK passport.

•    There is no age barrier, profession and education restriction to be eligible to apply under UK Innovator Visa.

We recently received the first UK Innovator visa in the Middle East & South East Asia and from a global perspective our law firm received the 5th UK innovator visa globally.


To qualify for UK Innovator Visa, applicant at least must have current or past “running business” experience.

The applicant can be a national of a majority English speaking country or Pass an English Language Test CEFR level B2 or hold a Degree that was taught in English and is equivalent to a United Kingdom bachelors degree.


Access to funds equivalent to £50,000 (own funds or third-party).

Third-party can be family members, friends, investors or corporate bodies.

If you would like to learn more about UK Immigration please fill out your contact information using the button below and arrange a free consultation with UK qualified Lawyers & Barristers.

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